Monday, January 14, 2013

The books I read in 2012

Many of the books I read this year, gave me new perspectives and changed the way I think. Following up on the "Books I read in 2011"

Raushetens tid, Kathrine Aspaas, read Dec 2012
An inspiring book by the finance journalist who put her personal transformation in becoming a more open and sharing person into a bigger context. We are moving into times where openness - fueled by social media, change the way we do business and live our lives. A very eye-opening analysis of the zeitgeist anno 2012.

Language intelligence: lessons on persuation from Jesus, Shakespeare, Joseph J Romm, read August 2012
A real handbook in rhetoric that is understandable for most of us with great examples from Lady Gaga, George Bush, Obama etc.
I stumbled upon a review of this book on The author, a climate activist is blogging on His motivation for writing this book was having larger impact in the climate debate.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Kindle for Kids at Nyenga

I brought the 2 kindles and a wireless router to Nyenga. See my previous post on Planning for Africa. It was fun to introduce Kindle to kids and employees at Nyenga. The bad network connection (and lack of Amazon whispernet), made it slow and unstable to download new books. I did preload some books before I left. The Worldreader project have quite a few books titles for children at Amazon.